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woman giving herself breast exam.

How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam

Kennesaw Gynecology

A monthly breast self-exam is another tool women have in conjunction with annual mammograms to find cancers early and improve survival rates. You use your hands and eyes to detect any changes in the look and feel of your breasts. Not a replacement for annual mammograms,

woman holding up an IUD.

What IUD Is Best for Me?

Kennesaw Gynecology

What IUD is best for me? There are multiple factors involved in deciding upon the best IUD. It Is always best to get a recommendation from a board-certified gynecologist like Dr. Angel Paas in Kennesaw, GA. Keep reading to learn more.

woman talking to female doctor.

What Does Vaginal Atrophy Feel Like?

Kennesaw Gynecology

Vaginal atrophy is one of the side effects of menopause. When a woman has adequate estrogen, all is well, but as soon as estrogen begins to decline, many negative consequences ensue. Vaginal atrophy is one of them. What does vaginal atrophy feel like?